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Par les temps qui courent...

90 min

"Par les temps qui courent..." (As time goes by...), is a show in the form of a travel note-book.

A living diary, collective and hybrid, resulting from our differents perspectives and our multiple forms of expressions.
A gift for all, across the streets, here and elsewhere.

Every "pages" of this travel note-book are created with a painter of the world, tamers of images, a poet who cherishes the black and white touches, a tall double bassist, sculptors of fire, goldsmiths of sounds, acrobats of precious scrap, and… this little flame… unstable… fragile… delicate… wich gives to see the shadows of the world.

Like a travel diary, ‘Par les temps qui courent...’ (As time goes by....) is a show made up of several ‘pages’.
Some of them take the form of ‘living installations’. They are inhabited by different artists who bring them to life.
Others function autonomously, without any direct intervention.

Each of these pages has its own life, its own tempo.
They are all integrated into a fiery visual and sonic aesthetic. And this overall universe becomes the ‘binding’ of this living travel diary.

The aesthetic and poetic narrative evolve as the performance progresses.
The audience become travellers.
Guided along our fiery paths by the nomadic musician, this notebook is offered to them.

It's up to them to leaf through it...

The scenography can be set up in a public square or park, or take the form of a journey through a succession of adjoining places (squares, streets, squares, etc.).
Audiences of all generations, cultures and ages are invited to ‘travel’ through the show for 1h30.
‘Par les temps qui courent...’ can accommodate 1,000 to 1,200 spectators, depending on the characteristics of the site, the event, etc...
The touring team is made up of 11 artists.

Artistic Director: Christophe Prenveille
On the road: Armelle Chenu, Jérôme Fohrer, Fabrice Gilbert, Nadine Guinefoleau, izOReL, Sylvie Monier, Christophe Prenveille, Patrick Singh, Mounira Taïrou, Tournus, Jim Tranger, Anthony Pelletier or Solal Prenveille (2019), Mattéo Prenveille (2021, 2022)
with selected words by Denis Péan
Lighting design: Philippe Terrasson
Revealing images and stories: Marcelo Valente
Designers and builders: Armelle Chenu, Bruno Gastao, Fabrice Gilbert, Sébastien Giraud Vidault, Nadine Guinefoleau, Yuka Jimenez, Mathieu Laville, Anthony Pelletier, Solal Prenveille
and also: Raphaël Dupin, Emmanuelle Guilbert, Patrick Laurino, Patia Milet, Bruno Monteghetti, Solal Prenveille, Fred Rotureau, Véronique Rotureau, Soline Rouland

Production and Diffusion Editing: Christophe Prenveille
and the entire administration/production/communications team at Cie Carabosse:
Chloé Moreau, Lise Burgermeister, Patricia Klein, Sylvie Monier, Stéphanie Auger in 2018 and 2019, Hugues Chevalier in 2018

... Many thoughts to our friend Jex Aubrun, may the earth be light to him...

Produced by Cie Carabosse 2018

in coproduction with :
Les Ateliers Frappaz, CNAREP Villeurbanne
TCRM-BLIDA with the financial support of the City of METZ as part of the artistic residencies programme
L'Atelier 231, CNAREP of Sotteville-lès-Rouen
In Situ Act, as part of the European Union's Creative Europe project.
Le Boulon, CNAREP Vieux-Condé
Les Pronomade(s) en Haute Garonne, CNAREP d'Encausse-les-Thermes
Le Moulin Fondu, CNAREP Garges-lès-Gonesse
L'OARA, Office Artistique Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine
La Paperie, CNAREP in Angers
Le Parapluie, CNAREP Aurillac

With the support of :
Ministry of Culture - DGCA
Ministry of Culture - DRAC Nouvelle-Aquitaine
SACD Auteurs d'espace 2018

Thanks to l'Estive Scène Nationale de Foix, and the municipalities of Champdeniers-St-Denis and St Christophe sur Roc

The Ministry of Culture-DRAC Nouvelle-Aquitaine
The Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region
The Deux Sèvres Departmental Council.