On a day-to-day basis, they work to manage and develop the company and bring its projects to life:
- Fabrice Gilbert, venue management and company buildings
- Nadine Guinefoleau, artistic direction
- Mélanie Guitton, communications
- Patricia Klein, principal accountant
- Aëla Merrien, production manager
The company also exists thanks to all the artists and technicians who make up the teams for each project.
Over the course of the company's adventures, many of them have contributed in their own way to the Carabosse mix.
Among them are currently / a little / a lot / and always passionately:
- Chloé Moreau, artistic collaborator
- Stéphane Abrioux, Christophe Bricheteau, Manu Cottin, Christian Cuomo, Bart Dubois, Bruno Gastao, Mathieu Laville, Mattéo Prenveille, Jim Tranger, join the artistic collective for certain Installation de Feu projects.
- Gabriel Fabing, Jérôme Fohrer, Philippe Gohard, izOReL, Loredana Lanciano, Kham Meslien, Yuka Okazaki, Denis Péan, Stéphane Rosello, Björt Runarsdottir, on sound creation.
- Roselyne Chauvet, Véronique Rotureau, costumes
- Fabrice Gilbert, Mattéo Prenveille, Gabriel Terrade, Gaspard Toulet, Jim Tranger, making the fire pots
- Fanfan Abrioux, Armelle Chenu, Christian Cuomo, Bruno Gastao, Fabrice Gilbert, Sébastien Giraud-Vidault, Emmanuelle Guilbert, Mathieu Laville, Laurent Patard, Ber Sissan, Gabriel Terrade, Gaspard Toulet, Virginie Voyer, constructions
- and many others...
With their complementary expertise, they enthusiastically support our approach:
- Philippe Bouler, Chairman
- Christian Schnell, Treasurer
- Elsa Maillard, Secretary
After 25 years of thrilling adventures and exciting projects, Christophe Prenveille has set off on a long journey...
Christophe always knew how to make us dream, to take the Company and the organisers on board in a number of magnificent stories! Many thanks and hats off to him.
Over the course of its adventures since 1996, Compagnie Carabosse has teamed up successively, simultaneously, occasionally or regularly with :
We tried not to... but we must have forgotten someone! Let us know!
Elsa Abaziz
Stéphane Abrioux
Steven Abrioux
Michèle Amet
Perrine Attinger
Jérôme Aubrun
Vincent Aubrun
Stéphanie Auger
Jean-Luc Auvin
Florence Ayrault
Cie Bambuco
Christine Baron
Frank Baruk
Matthieu Baudry
Anne Beauchamp
Guilhem Bec
Didier Bedat
Erwan Belland
Pat Belland
Anne-Cécile Bellanger
Seb Belouineau
Ahmed Benammour
Gaetan Bernard
Christian Bernard
Anouk Berthelot
Mado Berthelot
Pierrot Berthelot
Camille Beuillard Wolff
Jean-Yves Bienvenu
Olivier Bitard
Guillaume Blanc
Raymond Blard
Aurélien Boiffier
Lucile Boissonnet
William Bonnin
Xavier Bonnin
Clément Bordage
Elie Bosboeuf
Jean-Yves Bouchicot
Karlito Bouet
Emmanuelle Bouis
Bertrand Boulanger
Jean-Philippe Boule
Laurent Boule
Stéphane Bouré
Guillaume Bourreau
Christophe Bricheteau
Olivier Brie
Ludivine Brunet
Marie Brunet
Ulrich Brunet
Séverine Bruniau
Fanfan Burban
Lise Burgermeister
Céline Cailleau
Jean-Patrice Campion
François-Xavier Cap
Gianna Caronni
Laura Caronni
Guillaume Ceffelman
Olivier Cellier
Fanny Chabanne
Myriam Chaboche
Philippe Chaigneau
Yannick Chassignol
Chloé Chatham Lawrence
Roselyne Chauvet
Armelle Chenu
Hugues Chevalier
Christine Chevallier
Ovidiu Chitescu
Mélanie Claude
Maureen Cléret
Sylvestre Condamin
Jean-Louis Cordier
Chloé Cortinovis
Manu Cottin
Achille Cottin
Didier Couchi
Benjamin Court
Gérard Court
Sylvie Cousin
Sébastien Coutant
JC Cresp
Julie Croze
Christian Cuomo
Vincent Dacquet
Emma Dagoreau
Sylvain Dallerac
Morgan Davalan
Frédéric de Conink
Fanny Decoust
Christine Dégéa
Filippo Delaitre
Matthieu Delaunay
Agathe Descamps
Denis Deschamps
Bastien Dessolas
Sarah Didelon
Mathilde Dien
Mino Diouf
Pierrot Dolivet
Charlotte Donnadieu-Tabel
Claire Donois
Alain Drala
Margaux Drozak
Bart Dubois
Christophe Dubois
Delphine Dubreuil
Michel Ducrot
Raphaël Dupin
Olivier Dupuy
William Ejarque
Oihane Espunez Garcia
Gabriel Fabing
Etienne Fague
Terry Fairhead
Laurent Falguiéras
Pascal Fleuret
Jérôme Fohrer
Gianni Fornet
Mathieu Fort
Sophie Fortun
Jessica Fouché
Richard Fouillet
Marie Fournier
Jean-Baptiste Gadreau
Laurent Gadreau
Francis Garnier
Bruno Gastao
Christophe Geneix
Luis Gil
Delphine Gilbert
Fabrice Gilbert
Vincent Gillois
Léo Girard
Sébastien Giraud Vidault
Anne Gobin
Boris Godard
Fabrice Godet
Christophe Godillon
Philippe Gohard
Serge Guézennec
Emmanuelle Guilbert
Olive Guillemain
Pierrick Guillemaud
Nadine Guinefoleau
Patrick Grégory
Aurore Grimaud
Mélanie Guitton
Tonio Harcourt
Christophe Hamon
Karine Hardy
Pauline Hessel
Elsa Hummel-Zongo
Michael Jacquier
Stéphanie Jaillet
Yoann Jarton
Arnaud Jasmin
Olivier Jeannoutot
Yuka Jimenez
Pierre Josse
Vanessa Karton
Carine Kermin
Patricia Klein
Alain Kolpak
Hugo Labbé
Loredana Lanciano
Stéphane Latappy
Patrick Laurino
Mathieu Laville
Etienne Le Blanc
Nicolas Lebon
Max Lecanu
Baptiste Lechuga
Flop Lefebvre
Patrick Etienne Lefebvre
Delphine Léger
Edouard Lejeune
Benoit Léon
Jennifer Leporcher
Nyko Leras
Pierre Levignat
Anne Levillain
Julien Levret
Michel Lherahoux
Elodie Llorca
Magali Llorca
Didier Loiget
Zachary Loiget
Johann Loiseau
Robin Lombardet
Aude Macé
Jean-Philippe Madier
Claude Maigrot
Pierre Mathiaut
David Manceaux
Loïse Mare
Mickaël Maudet
Laurent Maurin
Loïc Méjean
Caroline Ménard
Raul Mendoza
Bénédicte Menut
Bénédicte Mériau
Aëla Merrien
Kham (Nicolas Meslien)
Elisabeth Meslier
Anne-Sophie Metzger
Christine Metzger
Laurent Michel
Framboise Milet
Pattia Millet
Thierry Minaret
Christophe Mineau
Victor Mineau
Sylvie Monier
Bruno Monteghetti
Olivier Monteil
Frédéric Monnery
Chloé Moreau
Béatrice Moreno
Grégoire Morice
Gwenaëlle Morin-Ramaroson
Mickaël Morinière
Sylvie Mouroux
Dominique Moysan
Vincent Muteau
Nadia Nid El Mourid
Yamina Nid El Mourid
Hugues Nielsen
Yuka Okazaki
Dorothée Ollivier
Roukiata Ouédraogo
Blandine Paillard
Sandrine Papin-Drala
Manu Parent
Gabriel Passajou
Céline Passerel
Laurent Patard
Arthur Patard
Philippe Payraud
Denis Péan
Michael Pearson
Anthony Pelletier
Hortense Perrault
Martin Petitguyot
Aurélie Pigeon
Julien Pillet
Charly Pin
Ben Pithon
Baptiste Pizon
Amandine Pourcelot
Maurice Pranchère
Christophe Prenveille
Mattéo Prenveille
Solal Prenveille
Myriam Prijent
Jean-Marie Proust
Guy Raimbault
Jo Ramaroson
Alexis Rangeard
Claire Rieussec
Géraldine Rieux
Steven Riollet
Michel Risse
Tom Rocher
Gaël Rodier
Pascal Rome
Angelo Rosello
Stéphane Rosello
Jean-Louis Rosenberger
Aurélien Rotureau (izOReL)
Enki Rotureau
Fred Rotureau
Linda Rotureau
Véronique Rotureau
Soline Rouland
Sylvie Roulland
Séverine Rovel
Julien Roy
Bjort Runarsdottir
René Sauloup
Claire Sauvage
Baptiste Savy
Pierre Severin
Patrick Singh
Bernard Sissan
Nùria Soldevilla Sanchez
Marie-Christine Soma
Valérie Souchard
Brigitte Soulisse
Jean-Charles Soulisse
Christine Sprault
Ingrid Strelkoff
Mounira Taïrou
Gabriel Terrade
Philippe Terrasson
TLS (Teatro Linea de Sombra)
Gaspard Toulet
Philippe Tourneur
Jim Tranger
Marion Traversi
Franck Trillot
Marcelo Valente
Séverine Valomet
Serge Van der Hoeven
Martha Vanwarreghem
Jocelyn Verbraeken
Jacques Ville
Virginie Voyer
Ilijana Vukmir DamourThierry Warlouzé
Louis Zébo