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ARTICLE 13 is a documentary and poetic testimony, a memorial to the thousands of migrants who have disappeared. It gives back a human face, flesh and identity to these anonymous people lost in their quest for a supposedly better world.

is performed at night by 20 artists, for 2,000 spectators who freely explore the 5,000 m2 of scenography..

ARTICLE 13 evokes the big History through small stories.

This installation-show-documentary evolves progressively and transforms itself incessantly. The memorial makes concrete the scale of the phenomenon : statistical data, economics, geopolitics, making the disappeared real, setting things in place, a mixture of naive art and arte povera. Things with no intrinsic value have a powerful meaning since the migrants carry with them the same things wherever they come from : clothes, shoes, headgear, a water container, something to eat and personal effects (a photo, an amulet, a souvenir).    

Through all this inhabited installation, rise up words, snatches of life, accounts of human beings...

We remember that these migrants, before they became statistics and a number of disappeared reported in the media, or even dangerous suspects...are before all else human beings.

ARTICLE 13 drawing Portraits.

They are born out of desert sands, the bottom of the seas, containers, undercarriage housings, but also from the depths of our towns: the faces, these names, those stories, individual or of families, these courses of life and dreams of a better world.

ARTICLE 13 takes the form of a vast memorial, which unfolds in the town. 

It is inhabited by individuals and constructions, real or imaginary, by tiny details or monumental objects.

At night-fall, the spectators wander freely in the different spaces which make up this memorial.

ARTICLE 13 is a vast landscape which develops in different ways during the show.

There is the confrontation and continual play between warm light and cold, between the living and the inert, between the flame which symbolises memory and the fire which symbolises light and life, but also heat, thirst, burning and death.

...the sun attracts, but some have their wings burn or even worse...

Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme / article 13 :

  1. Toute personne a le droit de circuler librement et de choisir sa résidence à l’intérieur d’un Etat.
  2. Toute personne a le droit de quitter tout pays, y compris le sien, et de revenir dans son pays. »

Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos / artículo 13 :

  1. Toda persona tiene derecho a circular libremente y eligir su residencia en el territorio de un Estado.
  2. Toda persona tiene el derecho a salir cualquier país, incluso el propio, y a regresar a su país.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights / article 13 :

  1. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
  2. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Sans égards, sans pitié, sans scrupule,
ils ont élevé de hautes murailles autour de moi.

Et maintenant, je ne fais rien ici que me désespérer.
D'un tel destin
la pensée m'obsède et me ronge ;

car j'avais beaucoup de choses à faire dehors.
Pendant qu'on bâtissait les murs,
ah, que n'ai-je pris garde.

Mais jamais je n'ai entendu le bruit des maçons
ni leur voix.
C'est à mon insu qu'ils m'ont enfermé
hors du monde.

Konstantin Kavafis, 1896.


  • Length 750 miles
  • Anti-Immigration Frontier Wall
  • Surveillance 24/24 hours with all-terrain vehicles, military helicopters and drones
  • Wall made of concrete, metal, barbed wire and ditching
  • Wall equipped with : very high intensity lights ; movement detectors ; surveillance cameras with night vision.
  • The cost of the wall per mile = 4.4 million $


  • Anti-Immigration Frontier Wall, between Europe and Asia along the river Evros
  • Length of the first stage : 7.5 miles
  • Total planned length 129 miles
  • Construction start date February, 2012

... In 2012 ARTICLE 13 was created  by The Carabosse Company and Teatro Linea de Sombra / France-Mexico.

By the Compagnie Carabosse & Teatro Linea de Sombra / France-Mexico

This spectacle was born out of a meeting between our two companies.

The Compagnie Carabosse which for more than 20 years has created its Installations of Fire and large-scale Installation-shows in public spaces.

Teatro Linea de Sombra which, after a long career in the world of contemporary theatre, is resolutely turning to street theatre and projects concerning inhabited installations.

The one comes from “the North” and the other from “the South”.

The one is a group of citizens from an Europe which is trying even further to close its borders and often rhymes migrations with invasions and migrants with menacing.

Citizens of an Europe which is currently building a wall at the Greek frontier.

The others, living in America, in a country where daily violence is gaining ground and in which a large part of the frontier can be summed up as a wall 750 miles long: made in the USA. A country of departure and transit for thousands of candidates to the American dream.

In this artistic exploration of the exodus and its repercussions on the human condition, the Compagnie Carabosse Company and Teatro Linea de Sombra mix together and express several disciplines: theatre of the real, plastic installation, arte povera, sociological investigation, naive art, video and documentary, creations in sound and music,

And offer ARTICLE 13

Artistic Direction and Coordination: Jorge Vargas*, Christophe Prenveille

Direction of Actors: Jorge Vargas

Set Design: Jesus Hernandez

Dramaturgy: Noé Morales

Technical director: Olivier Brie

Design and production of scenographic objects: Stéphane Abrioux, Karl Bouet, Stéphane Bouré, Gérard Court, Bruno Gastao, Fabrice Gilbert, Emmanuelle Guilbert, Nadine Guinefoleau, Yuka Jimenez, Jean-Marie Proust, Bernard Sissan, Iker Vicente*

Video image design : Jérôme Aubrun (2014), Marina España, Raul Mendoza, Jorge Vargas

VJ and Video Editing: Jérôme Aubrun (2014), Marina España

Original music: Jorge Verdin, izOReL

Sound: Dominique Cherprenet, Walter Jondeau

Lighting: Emmanuel Cottin

Actors/Manipulators: Christophe Bricheteau, Didier Couchi, Jesus Cuevas, Antigona Gonzalez (2014), Yuka Jimenez, Alicia Laguna, Loredana Lanciano (2014), Maria Luna de Los Angeles, Raul Mendoza, Roukiata Ouédraogo, Jean-Marie Proust, Viany Salinas, Bernard Sissan, Mounira Taïrou, Franck Trillot

Extras : A big THANK YOU to all the ‘migrants’ who join our team for every performance.

Artistic collaborations :

Paintings and props: Patrick Singh

Props: Juana Inés Luna, Daniel Vilchis, Juan Pablo Avendano, Vladimir Garza O., Itandehui Méndez

Photo and video props: Dr. Jorge Durand

Poster Design: Roberto Betancourt

Photos Sylvie Monier, Vincent Muteau

Production & Distribution: Patricia Klein, Laurent Maurin, Gwenaëlle Morin-Ramaroson, Blandine Paillard, Christophe Prenveille (in France) and Alicia Laguna (in Mexico).

*Members of the Sistenma Nacional de Creadores de Arte, FONCA-CONACULTA.

Produced with the support of :
Institut Français, DGCA-Ministère de la Culture, Région Poitou-Charentes, l'Abattoir-CNAR de Châlon-sur-Saône, l'Atelier 231-CNAR de Sotteville-lès-Rouen, Le Fourneau-CNAR en Bretagne, les Usines Boinot-CNAR en Poitou-Charentes, la Ville de Niort.

Hosted in Creation Residencies by :
Les Usines Boinot-CNAR in Poitou-Charentes
Le Fourneau-CNAR in Brittany

And with the support of the Syndicat du plan d'eau de Cherveux-St Christophe.

We would also like to thank:

The festivals ‘Les Invites’ in Villeurbanne and ‘Les Tombées de la nuit’ in Rennes, for their loyalty in supporting this creation.

The French Embassy in Mexico and Spedidam for their support for the 2014 tour.

Cie Carabosse is supported by :
DRAC Poitou-Charentes, Région Poitou-Charentes and Conseil Général des Deux-Sèvres.

We would like to thank all our friends and all the migrant extras who, in one way or another, have shared the adventure of this creation with us.